A formative part of many American childhoods is the scouting movement, mainly within the Boys Scouts of America, or in the Girl Scouts of America. Both organizations were created out of, and emulating, the scouting movement in Great Britain — conceptualized by Lord Baden-Powell on Brownsea Island and based, largely, on Baden-Powell’s colonial experience in South Africa during the Boer Wars. The program in America, especially the Boy Scouts (BSA), thematically was changed from the British Empire’s obsession with their Indian and African conquests to early 20th century American fascinations with Native Americans — especially indigenous Americans as the “Noble Savage” trope. Scouting itself, a military job, was transformed into a fraternal organization for children; teaching the skills of the colonial or frontier soldier, at home! The program, and its sibling, the Girl Scouts of America (a comparative organization called Girl Guides exists in most parts of the world), has been a crucial part of the propagandizing of patriotism, “honor”, and Western ideology around the world for 110 years.
Consequentially, the founding spirit of scouting, based in colonialism, fetishization of colonized people and cultures, and adherence to nationalism, has seemingly been at odds with the left. The paramilitary appearance of scouting uniforms, badges, ranks, and orders echoes some of the worst conceptions of the youth in an ethno-nationalist state. The Hitler Youth and the Proud Boys, unfortunately have some basic aesthetic similarities with the Scouts, and BSA’s conservative tilt leads many to relegate scouting to the dustbin of history.
However, in the Soviet Union and other socialist countries and experiments, Scouting has been adapted into new formats. The Pioneer clubs in the USSR attempted to organize young people into the emerging proletariat, increase political education, and highlight physical fitness and ecological and scientific knowledge. The demise of the socialist republics has rendered the Pioneer program into a relic of the past, summer camps and headquarters reduced to tourist ruins or commandeered by other programs.
Pioneer is a young builder of communism, labors for the welfare of the Motherland, prepares to become its defender.
Pioneer is an active fighter for peace, a friend to Young Pioneers and workers’ children of all countries.
Pioneer follows the communists’ example, prepares to become a Komsomol member, leads the Little Octobrists.
Pioneer upholds the organization’s honour, strengthens its authority by deeds and actions.
Pioneer is a reliable comrade, respects the elders, looks after younger people, always acts according to conscience.
-Rules of the Young Pioneers of the Soviet Union
I have had a long history with scouting, particularly in the BSA. I was a Cub Scout and then crossed over into the Boy Scout program, before it became co-ed, accepting of LGBTQ, and women leadership. Scouting was a refuge from school and sports, two places I either was bullied in or was not too talented at. I canoed, hiked, rock climbed, and camped monthly. I made close, lifelong friends, and became interested in hobbies I never thought I would do. My troop was lucky to be very unorthodox, the adult leadership took a hands off approach and my fellow scouts came from very diverse socio-economic backgrounds. We were not tied very closely to any religious organization. I made Eagle Scout and then went on to work at a scout summer camp, where I met scouts who were leftwing and socialists, especially in the nature program. I think a fusion of these positive elements of scouting with socialist civic and organizing education would be an incredible boon to DSA and the wider left.

This new organization would be run by the scouts, in meetings where they will first be introduced to voting, committees, planning, and political education. It will reject the colonialist designs and themes. The patrols or OCs will be open to all youth, no matter their background, religion, gender or sexual identity. The only requirement is that they pledge to support an egalitarian society, treat others how they would like to be treated, and promise to learn and experience new things. This program would be a fantastic bridge between the Socialist Sprout program that already exists in many DSA chapters and the YDSA program that begins in high school. I can see the leaders in a DSA Pioneer Scouting program becoming the future leaders in YDSA and DSA. There is more to think about and build with this program, and essential questions of hierarchy, program, and accessibility to answer. I welcome everyone who is interested to send me your ideas, and positive (and negative) experiences with scouting. Let’s Be Prepared in Solidarity, and build a scouting program for 21st century Socialism.
Reach out to socialistpioneerscouts@gmail.com if you are interested in this project!